100 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
50 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
20 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
10 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
5 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
2 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
1 Dollar Note

W x H = 155.81 x 66.42 mm
How much actually weigh ... 1 Million US Dollar?
If you have ever wondered how a 1 million Dollar looks like or how much a million 1 dollar bills weigh, you can calculate this simply below. I'm quite sorry. Unfortunately I just ran out of my millions otherwise I could have shown you how beautiful this can act on a photo. But I can tell you weight, height and volume of the money stack if you put everything neatly on each other ...Every Dollar Note has the same weight - about 1 g and the size of 155.81 x 66.42 mm.
Resource: Conversion of weights and measures
The amount of $ 1,000,000 would have in 2 Dollar Notes a weight of 500.00 kg (1,102.31 pounds). A single stack of money with 500,000 new banknotes would be 50.00 m (54.68 yards) high und would have a volume of at least 517.45 litres (546.78 quarts).
For transportation, you should already have a vehicle.
Resource: Conversion of weights and measures

Currency Converter
And if you want to exchange your money the converter shows how much Swiss francs, Euros or British Pounds you will get for your Dollars. Resource: European Central Bank
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Lenormand Kartenlegen
1 Dollar Coin (Buck)

Weight = 8.1 g,
Diameter = 26.5 mm
Thickness = 2 mm
50 Cent Coin (Half)

Weight = 11.34 g,
Diameter = 30.61 mm
Thickness = 2.15 mm
25 Cent Coin (Quarter)

Weight = 5.67 g,
Diameter = 24.26 mm
Thickness = 1.75 mm
10 Cent Coin (Dime)

Weight = 2.27 g,
Diameter = 17.91 mm
Thickness = 1.35 mm
5 Cent Coin (Nickel)

Weight = 5 g,
Diameter = 21.21 mm
Thickness = 1.95 mm
1 Cent Coin (Penny)

Weight = 2.5 g,
Diameter = 19.05 mm
Thickness = 1.55 mm
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Die Körpersprache beim Flirten |
Schutzengel finden |
Du kannst dem Uschi-Orakel eine Frage stellen |
Hier können Sie Noten lernen fürs Klavier |
Nahtod-Erfahrungen |
Lerne Saxofon Noten |
Mondkalender 2014 heute |
Gutes für den Rücken |
Vodun und Graf Samedi |
Sinnvolle Impfungen für den Kuba-Urlaub |
Der Schulden-Rechner |
Wer ist reich? |
Lenormand Kartenlegen